Goldfish are white! Summary of two possible diseases, symptoms and treatments.

Goldfish are white! Summary of two possible diseases, symptoms and treatments.

Diseases that cause whitening of a goldfish’s body include ich (white spot disease), saprolegniasis (cotton wool disease), and water mold disease. Each of these diseases has different causes and symptoms. Since these diseases can seriously impact a goldfish’s life, early detection and appropriate treatment are crucial.

To prevent and treat these diseases, regular water changes, maintaining proper water temperature, and conducting salt baths when necessary are effective measures. These actions help boost the goldfish’s immune system and maintain a healthy environment.


Diseases When a Goldfish’s Body Turns White

Ich (White Spot Disease)


Ich in goldfish is caused by a parasite called Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. Stressors for goldfish, such as sudden changes in water temperature or deterioration of water quality, often trigger this disease. Even healthy goldfish are at a higher risk of infection when these conditions align.

Symptoms and Dangers of Ich

The characteristic symptom of ich is the appearance of white spots resembling grains of rice on the goldfish’s body and fins. These spots are easily overlooked in the early stages, but if left untreated, ich can cause respiratory distress and, in the worst cases, lead to death. Early detection and prompt action are essential.

Saprolegniasis (Cotton Wool Disease) and Water Mold Disease

Saprolegniasis is caused by a type of mold called Saprolegnia. Goldfish with injuries or weakened immune systems are more susceptible to infection. Overcrowding and poor water quality also promote the onset of this disease.

Symptoms and Dangers of Saprolegniasis

The distinguishing feature of saprolegniasis is the growth of white, cotton-like mold on the goldfish’s body surface and fins. As the infection progresses, it can destroy the goldfish’s body tissues and potentially lead to death. Early treatment is necessary. As saprolegniasis heals, the affected areas turn black and gradually return to their original appearance. Therefore, one possible reason for a goldfish turning black is that it had previously contracted saprolegniasis.

Precautions When a Goldfish’s Body Turns White

Maintain Water Quality through Water Changes

Regular water changes are essential for protecting the health of goldfish. Especially during disease treatment, frequent water changes are required to prevent deterioration of water quality. Clean water is a crucial factor in aiding the recovery of goldfish.

Maintain Water Temperature between 59°F and 68°F (15°C and 20°C)

Goldfish prefer water temperatures between 59°F and 77°F (15°C and 25°C). Maintaining this temperature range helps sustain the goldfish’s immune system and increases its resistance to diseases. When the water temperature is too low or too high, it should be gradually adjusted to the appropriate level rather than abruptly changing it.

Perform Salt Baths

Salt baths are one of the effective methods for treating diseases in goldfish. Immersing goldfish in salt water of the appropriate concentration can remove external parasites and protect the goldfish’s body surface. However, caution is needed regarding the salt concentration and immersion time. The following article provides a summary of the necessary amount of salt, duration of salt baths, and how to reintroduce the fish to its tank, so please refer to it for guidance.

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