This is the voting page for the Twitter-participation EA contest, which is held periodically on this site. Tap the photo of each work to see the layout, equipment used, light intensity, CO2, and other processes. Please vote for the works you like.
Also, simply click on the photo and your rating will be added to the voting results. Please check out the works you like!
EA Contest 3rd Participants Layout List
Entry | 13 Retreats: 6 (on display) 7 Absent 6 Attendance |






Click here to vote
voting rules
About Regular Voting
One vote is allowed per e-mail address.
If we determine that the address is incorrect, the vote will be invalid.
If you have voted by mistake, please send a different entry number again. The entry number that was voted for last will be given priority in the voting process, even if they are the same email address.
access vote
Just viewing the layout pages you are interested in will be reflected as points. If you view all of them, you will receive points for all of them. Reloading or viewing a page multiple times during a period of time will not affect your points. (It is also set up so that search engines do not list each layout page for fairness.)